另外,本校推行「戲劇教學」為課程綱要,讓幼兒走出傳統的主題教學,從學習過程中充份發揮個人潛能,亦有助提升自信及滿足感,同時在週末期間亦會為本校學生安排免費英語學習及功課輔導。如欲了解更多,歡迎致電2422 6838與校方查詢。
The admission application for the new and transfer students in the 2024-2025 school year is now open. Parents are welcome to download and fill in the related form from the website or get it from the school.
Moreover, with “Drama in Education” as the major practice to be included in the school curriculum, we hope to provide unconventional theme learning experiences to children to explore their potential, enhance self-confidence and increase satisfaction. Free English learning courses and homework tutorial classes will also be arranged on the weekends. For more details, please feel free to contact the school at 2422 6838.